Advanced 7
On Reconnect Play the...
Choose whether the play list starts from the same song or the next song
after an interruption.
Play List Fails
If playing from a play list, the URL can be set to fail if one item in the list
fails or if the all the items in the play list fail.
Playback Settings
Minimum And Maximum Volume
Use this to limit the maximum and minimum volumes that can be set on
the unit.
Set the left/right balance of the unit. Negative values pan the volume to the
left and positive values pan the volume to the right. 0 is centre.
Priority Stream Settings
RTP Port
Configure the RTP port which will listen for the priority stream. The current
stream will be interrupted during a priority stream. 0 will disable the
priority stream.
RTP Delay
Same as above but for the ordinary streams.
Priority Message Volume
Pre-set the volume of the priority message so that the message is not
missed. This volume is independent to the unit volume.
Triggered Play List
Store a play list on a local USB drive which can be triggered by an external
source. The trigger will start the next item on the play list Once it has
finished the unit will return to URL1-3.
Serial Settings
Baud Rate
Data rate between controlling device and the unit.
Data Bits
The amount of bits which are used per transmission.
Error checking method. Choose between no, odd and even.
Stop Bits
Define the number of bits used at the end of a transmission. Select
between 1 or 2.
Flow Control
Select the type of flow control that is used. Choose between none, software
or hardware.
I/O Settings
Reset Button Function
Change the function of the Reset button to give additional physical control
of the unit. The functions are:
Device Reset
– Pressing the button will reset the unit.
No Action
– This disables the button