D:Scribe User Handbook
Introduction to D:Scribe Server & Client
D:Scribe Server and Client is a database system which can be used to categorise, transcribe
and then file audio recordings with their transcripts. Applications include transcriptions for
police interviews, law courts, solicitors offices & council meetings.
D:Scribe Client and Server operates seamlessly with the Sonifex Net-Log audio logger.
Audio recorded on up to 20 Net-Logs can be archived to a defined server IP address where
audio files can be stored and logged. The audio files automatically appear in the database
structure of D:Scribe Server with the recorded time and date available. Additionally,
recording and archiving on the Net-Logs can be controlled from D:Scribe Server.
Fig 1-1: D:Scribe Server & Client Diagram.
Organisational Efficiency - Link Audio & Text Files Automatically
D:Scribe Client and Server is a software suite which runs under Microsoft SQL2000™ on
MS Windows 2000 Server™ or Windows 2003 Server™. It provides an environment where
pre-recorded audio files can be categorized, searched and then transcribed and is ideal
for environments where you have multiple channels of audio recordings which need to be
transcribed by many people on a network.
Recordings are stored in the D:Scribe Server software where they are categorised and made
available to the attached Clients. Audio files are automatically linked to the transcriptions
allowing you to systematically arrange and classify the stored information.
Quick & Simple Searching For Audio or Text From Your Desktop
The D:Scribe Client allows you to search for recorded audio by recorded Net-Log, recorded
channel (which could be a particular microphone in a court, a channel on a recorded radio
frequency, or a particular meeting room) or by recorded time and date. Once you find the
audio that you wish to transcribe, you can take “ownership” of it (which will notify other
Clients that you are working on it, if they try and transcribe it). You can then use either the
software controls, or the optional foot-pedal, to begin transcription, in a dedicated
text window.
Net-Log 01
D:Scribe Client 01
D:Scribe Standalone
E - Mail
10/100 Switch
D:Scribe Client 02
D:Scribe Client 03
Net-Log 02
Net-Log 03
Net-Log 04
Server running:
D:Scribe Server and
Microsoft SQL Server