9. System Properties
This section deals with configuration of general system parameters that are not related to
wireless or Ethernet functions.
Navigate to
Configuration ->
Under the
General Settings
Local Time
indicates the current time on the radio unit
synchronized with the local host computer managing the radio by clicking
System Name
This is a one-
branch_office_1. The System Name value is completely up to the user and has no effect on
the wireless link operation. System
alphanumerics, plus the following symbols: @ (at sign)
(underscore). Name may not include spaces.
The user’s own time zone can be
Coordonné, Coordinated Universal Tim
8 or UTC-7 during the daylight savings time.
Enable NTP Client
An NTP (network time protocol) server can be used to set and synchronize
the radio’s clock. Clicking the box allows the user to enter the IP address of the NTP s
This section deals with configuration of general system parameters that are not related to
wireless or Ethernet functions.
> System
to see the following screen:
indicates the current time on the radio unit’s time clock. The time can be
synchronized with the local host computer managing the radio by clicking
Sync with local PC
-word description that the user gives to the radio unit, e.g.
e System Name value is completely up to the user and has no effect on
System Name can be up to 32 characters long, and consist of all
wing symbols: @ (at sign), - (dash), .(period),
(underscore). Name may not include spaces.
time zone can be specified in reference to UTC (
Coordonné, Coordinated Universal Time). For example, the Pacific time zone in the US, is UTC
7 during the daylight savings time.
An NTP (network time protocol) server can be used to set and synchronize
licking the box allows the user to enter the IP address of the NTP s
This section deals with configuration of general system parameters that are not related to
s time clock. The time can be
Sync with local PC
hat the user gives to the radio unit, e.g.
e System Name value is completely up to the user and has no effect on
Name can be up to 32 characters long, and consist of all
, ‘ (tick), _
specified in reference to UTC (Temps Universel
c time zone in the US, is UTC-
An NTP (network time protocol) server can be used to set and synchronize
licking the box allows the user to enter the IP address of the NTP server