Audio Alignment Enabled
Clicking th
Audio Alignment mode for the specified duration upon every reboot
audio alignment mode is ON.
The interval specifies how long (in minutes) the audio alignment mode will run before it
stops. The default value of the interval is 30 minutes.
Clicking the
button next to the interval will start the audio alignment mode (the Run
button will change to a
mode once the alignment process is completed.
Spectrum Analyzer
Clicking the Launch button activates the spectrum analyzer mode, which
will be described in the next section.
– The timer for the audio alignment interval will start to run once a link
between the local and remote units is established.
– If the audio alignment mode is left enabled, it will automatically
restart upon reboot or power cycle of the radio for the interval specified on this
screen. Make sure to
Clicking this box and clicking the
for the specified duration upon every reboot The default setting for the
The interval specifies how long (in minutes) the audio alignment mode will run before it
default value of the interval is 30 minutes.
button next to the interval will start the audio alignment mode (the Run
button at this point). Click the
button to stop the alignment
nment process is completed.
Clicking the Launch button activates the spectrum analyzer mode, which
will be described in the next section.
The timer for the audio alignment interval will start to run once a link
cal and remote units is established.
If the audio alignment mode is left enabled, it will automatically
restart upon reboot or power cycle of the radio for the interval specified on this
screen. Make sure to disable once the antenna alignment process is
button next to it enables the
The default setting for the
The interval specifies how long (in minutes) the audio alignment mode will run before it
button next to the interval will start the audio alignment mode (the Run
button to stop the alignment
Clicking the Launch button activates the spectrum analyzer mode, which
The timer for the audio alignment interval will start to run once a link
If the audio alignment mode is left enabled, it will automatically
restart upon reboot or power cycle of the radio for the interval specified on this
process is completed.