4. Bench testing
Before mounting units into their final location, it is recommended that the system be bench
tested to verify basic operation. The following bench test steps are suggested:
. Each radio should be connected and physically arranged per the following sections,
with a laptop or PC connected to each radio directly (or through a hub/switch).
– If you use WiFi connections, you do not need to use a laptop connection
to the radio. Once you have powered up the radio, you can use a smartphone or
tablet to access the user interface. See the following section of
WiFi Management
for details.
DO NOT connect two radios to the same switch or a loop will be
created, which will create a failure of the link.
– Make sure that two radio units in a PTP link share the same Link ID,
bandwidth, data rate and security settings. Access Control List (ACL) is enabled as
a factory default setting.
It is also important to have identified and prepared the antenna, RF coax and Cat5e cable
solutions that will be used in the intended application.
. It is important to remember that the SkyWay radio and antenna system generate
and transmit a great deal of RF power. During bench testing, antennas should not be pointed
directly at each other. Rather, establish a position so there is approximately 180 degrees
angular separation and 6 to 10 feet between units. Fine tune the antenna position so that the
Local RSSI is between -30 and -60 dBm.
. If the system has been properly configured, the radios will begin communicating
immediately. The following steps are recommended to verify operation:
Link State. On the Main Status screen, verify that the RF Link State is Green