22 Gauge cable
from Solar Control
Attic 10K Ohm Thermistor
Temperature Sensor [at peak].
Float Sensor's
White Wires
Solar Sensor Wires
from Solar Control
NOTE: Not drawn to any scale
Right Panel on Face of PCS2 Unit
- 11 -
Float Wiring Diagram
An optional float for use with automation con-
trols can be installed in the PCS3. If installed
and the base pan has excess condensate or
water, the float will rise and will open the attic
10K attic (solar) sensor circuit. Solar controls
in AUTO will interpret the open circuit as a
cold attic and shut down the PCS3. An open
float also results in a flashing “check sensor”
red light on the Goldline GL235 solar control.
The PCS3 must operate in the AUTO mode
of the GL235 for the internal float to work.
Photo shows float panel opened up with
the optional automation float installed.
Note: the float wires are routed through
the opening on the panel to the front.
Note: When installed, the
two white float wires from
a normally closed micro
switch are wired in series
with the 10k attic or solar
sensor of the solar control.
Caution: The float is only
for use with an attic 10K
(18/2 recommended. 22/2 is min size)
**See optional float installation instructions**