Solar Stik
Technical Bulletin 2
Effective Date 20150831
© 2019 Solar Stik Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Solar Stik is a registered trademark of Solar Stik Inc.
Protocols for the Proper Storage and Maintenance
Li Expander Pak 2400
The Li Expander Pak 2400 has a low self-discharge rate at 77 ºF (25 ºC) and can be stored for up to
6 months before it needs to be recharged (if it was charged fully when placed in storage). However,
the self-discharge rate increases as the storage temperature increases. The increased self-discharge
rate at high temperatures is a phenomenon common to all rechargeable batteries.
This Technical Bulletin provides easy instructions to ensure that the Li Expander Pak 2400s function
optimally in all environments. Conversely, failure to follow these instructions will result in irreversible
damage to the Li Expander Pak 2400s within a short period of time.
This Technical Bulletin provides protocols for:
1. Li Expander Pak 2400 storage and charging maintenance in climate-controlled
environments (page 2)
2. Li Expander Pak 2400 storage and charging maintenance in high temperature environments
(page 6)
3. Solutions (by reference to other Technical Bulletins) if one or more Li Expander Pak 2400s
displays a flashing RED Battery Status LED (page 6)
4. A Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services Table for two storage-temperature
scenarios (page 7).
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