August 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 7000-120 AGS Operator Manual
PRO-Verter Battery Monitoring Kit (BMK) Statuses
A BMK status message may be an operational or fault message. Access the METER: 05A BMK
Status menu to view the BMK’s current operating status. The status is important when determining if
the BMK is working correctly or for troubleshooting a BMK installation.
BMK Ready
The BMK is correctly communicating with the inverter/charger.
No Comm
The BMK is not communicating with the inverter/user interface.
BMK Not Present
View the BMK sense module’s LED (Contact Solar Stik Technical Support for assistance).
a. If the LED is green, disconnect the terminal block for 5 seconds, and then reconnect it to
ensure the terminal block is correctly seated into the sense module.
b. If the LED is blinking red, there is no communication or there is an unrecognizable
communication on the network. Check the communication cable—ensure it is connected
correctly. If the BMK communication cable is missing, a standard two-conductor telephone
cable may be temporarily substituted.
The following “SOC” statuses indicate the battery’s current state of charge (SOC). Access the
METER: 05B Battery SOC menu to view the BMK’s current SOC status.
When the BMK sense module is first connected, the batteries need to be fully charged (i.e., SOC =
100%) to establish a SOC reference point. The BMK sense module is disconnected from power and
the batteries require a full charge before the user interface display begins providing SOC percentage
The batteries are fully charged; the display has changed from “Think’n” to “100%” and is ready to
provide accurate SOC percentage values.
PRO-Verter BMK Operational Status Messages