August 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 7000-120 AGS Operator Manual
Understanding the User Interface Menus
The PRO-Verter menu options and programming features in the User Interface were developed
over 10 years using real data and feedback from users around the world. They allow PRO-Verter
functions to be configured in exact accordance with mission requirements, and support operation
in a flexible “open” architecture that includes a myriad of disparate technologies commonly found in
the field (i.e. PV panels, batteries, etc.).
PRO-Verters are usually shipped pre-programmed based on the application and system
configuration prescribed by the customer, but if operating conditions warrant changes to the system
architecture, the PRO-Verter programming can be adjusted accordingly.
When configuring or making changes to a PRO-Verter programming, it is important to understand
the individual settings found in the menus, and how each one can affect overall system operation or
individual functions within the PRO-Verter itself.
Menus Overview
There are five (5) menu trees commonly accessed at the PRO-Verter’s User Interface:
• FAVS (“Favorites”)
• CTRL (“Control”)
• METER (“Home”)
Each one of these options will introduce several sub-menus and programming based on the
following criteria:
The FAVS menu is used for most configuration management, operation settings, and
troubleshooting. The operator can configure up to five (5) menu options to be accessed in the FAVS,
and they should be programmed based on the application in which the PRO-Verter is to be used.
Most FAVS menus are programmed in accordance with the information on the I-Plate. A conference
call with the customer to discuss the application will usually provide enough information for any
PRO-Verter to be properly programmed for use immediately upon delivery. If the customer does not
have a specific application for which the PRO-Verter will be used, the “default” FAVS programming
provides the operator with basic architecture and operation programming commonly needed in the
The CTRL menu provides quick access to AC-related controls.
The METERS menu is mostly a “read-only” medium and can provide both live and historical data
for the PRO-Verter functions. It can provide real-time data as well as performance indicators for