Operating modes 'MODULYS GP' 100 kW UL - Ref.: IOMMODGPXX09-EN 03
Only two elements are necessary to interact with the unit:
• HOME button: is a mono-stable button used to interact manually with the display especially in emergency situa-
tions. Logic behind the interaction is:
- Single pressing (below 3 sec): HOME page return of graphic display
- 3 sec < time < 6 sec: change the language to the default (English)
- 6 sec < time < 8/9 sec: go to the calibration screen automatically
- Above 8/9 sec: implement the hw reset of the micro controller and restart of the graphic
• Display: is the main active matrix of the display sensitive to touch pressure. The display is designed for rugged
industrial applications. The display is single-touch only (no double touch effects). Depending on pressure, the navi-
gation tree and various functions will be executed.
Two special functions are present on the control panel:
• Standby screen: for safety reasons, after a programmable amount of time, the display goes on standby. Display
goes to the main screen and touch screen sensitivity is disabled. A label on the bottom of the main screen displays
this status. To exit this status press the screen for the HOME button.
• OFF status: for power consumption and life enhancement, after a programmable amount of time display goes in
“off”. Display goes black and no interaction is possible. Touching the HOME button or screen resumes normal
Handle the control panel with care. It is made of metal, glass and plastic and contains delicate
electronic components. The control panel may be damaged if dropped, pierced or broken or
comes into contact with liquids.
Do not use the control panel with a cracked screen, as it may cause injury.