To edit a directory entry:
1� Click Edit for the entry you want to edit�
Edit Local Directory Entry
page appears�
2� Edit or add the desired information�
3� Click
Import Base directory
You can import an existing base directory file� Importing a directory file replaces all
your previous base directory entries� After importing a directory file, you can add, edit,
or delete entries as desired�
: Directory files are �xml or �csv files containing contacts and contact information�
For more information about creating or editing a directory file, consult your system
To import a base directory file:
1� Click
Choose File
2� In the popup window, navigate to the directory file�
3� Click the file, and then click
4� If you are importing an XML file, click
Import XML
5� If you are importing a comma-separated value (CSV) file:
a� If the first line of the CSV file is a header line, click the
First line is header,
b� Click
Import CSV
Export Base directory
You can export the directory and save it as an �xml file on your computer�
To export the base directory:
1� Click
Export XML or Export CSV
2� If prompted by your browser, save the file to the desired location on your