RollCall Control Panel Channel Operation Screens
Issue 1 Rev 8
Page 151
© 2015 SAM
HD Input - HD Output
You can select which input HD WST packet is to be decoded - RDD-08 or SMPTE2031.
Cross-conversion between the packet types is allowed. The option to select individual WST
lines contained in the input packets is still available using the WST origin and status menu
items. This is because both the SMPTE2031 and RDD-08 packet contain within them the
original source SD line number information. The input line selection refers to this line number
and not the ANC packet position line number.
HD Input - 625 Output
You can select which input HD WST packet is to be decoded - RDD-08 or SMPTE2031. You
can specify which lines of WST to encode on the output using the WST origin and menu item.
The WST lines will be encoded on the line number information encoded within the input HD
packet, unless “Allow WST remap” is selected in which case you can change the line number
for one WST line on the output (similar to the SD to SD case described above).
Only one WST origin line may be remapped