Blood and Fluid Warmer
Technical Service Pack
S E C T I O N 5
E v e r y 1 2 M o n t h s
Over Temperature Alarm Test
Allow the unit to run for sufficient time to stabilise the
temperature. Press and hold the Over Temperature Alarm Test
button. Observe:
the DISPLAY rises to 43°C - 44°C .
the GREEN LED extinguishes.
the RED Over Temperature LED lights up.
the AUDIBLE ALARM commences beeping.
the RECIRCULATING SOLUTION ceases circulating.
If any of the above responses are missing, the unit must be
removed from service and repaired.
Recirculating Solution Level Alarm
Remove the Fill Port plug. Using a non-magnetic tool, gently
depress the float switch arm.
Figure 5 - 1: Depressing the float
switch. Here you see an offcut of
scrap Disposable Set performing
excellently as a non-magnetic probe.