Blood and Fluid Warmer
Technical Service Pack
S E C T I O N 5
H L - 9 0 S e r v i c e T e s t S p e c i f i c a t i o n
If necessary, turn the “H2O” or “40” temperature set point
adjustment pot clockwise to increase recirculating solution
temperature, or counter-clockwise to decrease recirculating
solution temperature. A quarter turn of the pot corresponds
to a change in temperature of about 0.3°C. Allow 5 minutes
between adjustments for the temperature to stabilise .
Set unit to run at 41.9°C ± 0.1°C as measured by the TEMP
CHECK and allow to stabilise.
Set Over Temperature Alarm Set Point
Adjust the “LCD” adjustment pot so the LCD reads 43.1°C. If
the alarm activates before the display reaches 43.1, then
adjust the over temperature pot clockwise until the alarm
turns off and continue adjusting LCD.
Adjust the over temperature pot counter-clockwise until the
alarm sounds.
[iii] Adjust the “LCD” adjustment pot counter-clockwise and
confirm that the alarm deactivates.
[iv] Adjust the “LCD” adjustment pot clockwise again and
confirm that the alarm activates at 43.1°C.
Repeat the test twice to confirm the activation set point.
Calibrate LCD
Turn the “LCD” adjustment pot on the PCB so that the unit
display (LCD) is equal to the that of the Temp Check ± 0.0°C.
To confirm the Over Temperature Alarm, depress and hold
the over temperature switch on the side of the enclosure.