1. Electrofish only as far as you can safely wade. Some areas
are unreachable with a backpack electrofisher.
2. Touching an active electrode is not recommended, even
while wearing Lineman gloves and waders.
3. Never electrofish with spectators on shore. Electric fields
can travel large distances through buried pipes, metal
culverts, and metal sheet piling.
4. If spectators show up during electrofishing, stop the
operation and go to explain to them what you are doing.
Explain the risks to them being there and ask them to
please leave for their own safety. If they refuse to leave,
stop electrofishing, load the equipment and leave the area.
Operating this equipment in a manner not
specified in this manual, making modifications, or using
accessories not approved by Smith-Root, Inc. may impair
the protection offered by the equipment.
• Have electrical circuits checked only by qualified
• Turn off the electrofisher before making any connections or
part replacements.
• Release chest strap before entering the water.
• Shut off power before entering or leaving the water.
• Stop work immediately if you get water in waders or gloves.
• Operate slowly and carefully to prevent slips and falls.
• Always be sure that all crew members are clear of
electrodes before turning power on and before energizing
• Do not operate an electrofisher if you have any prior heart
ailments, wear a pacemaker, or are pregnant.