| Device Information
ARP Table
– 43 –
SNR Margin Downstream/Upstream (db)
— Displays the current
signal-to-noise margin expressed in decibels (dB). SNR is the ratio of
signal power to the noise power corrupting the signal.
Vendor ID
– The vendor name of the digital signal processor (DSP).
DSP Version
– The current hardware version of the digital signal
processor (DSP).
CRC Errors
— Displays the CRC (cyclic redunancy check) - a type of
function that takes as input a data stream of any length, and produces
as output a value of a certain space, commonly a 32-bit integer.
Upstream/Downstream BER
– The the rate at which bits in the data
stream that have been altered by noise.
Up/Down Output Power
— Displays the upstream/downstream
power level employed for ADSL port filtering.
— Displays the total error seconds, the number of second intervals
during which there was one or more CRC anomalies, or one or more
Loss of Signal (LOS) or Loss of Framing (LOF) defects.
— Displays the total severly errored seconds. The number of
second intervals containing 18 or more CRC-8 anomalies, one or more
Loss of Signal (LOS) defects, one or more Severely Errored Frame
(SEF) defects, or one or more Loss of Power (LPR) defects.
— Displays the total unavailable errored seconds, the number of
seconds during which the ADSL transceiver is powered up but not
ADSL Retrain
— Retrains the DSL line.
The ARP page displays IP address to MAC address mapping entries
determined by the Address Resolution Protocol.
Figure 16: Status - ARP Table