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After the first update, the following screen will appear displaying the CaTCHER software currently
installed in the ECM: (See example below for Smarty software #5).
Present SW: 5
Press ‘>’
Press the ‘>’ key. Smarty asks you to select either CaTCHER Software Versions (see Change
CaTCHER Programs below) or the STOCK software:
2=Stock SW
Return to STOCK program.
Press the ‘2’ key. Smarty asks for confirmation to restore the ECM to STOCK software:
Program STOCK SW
Press ‘>’
Press the ‘>’ key. The ECM is restored to STOCK software and Smarty is unlocked. Smarty can now
be used on another vehicle.
Change CaTCHER programs.
Press the ‘1’ key in the above described menu. Smarty asks you to enter the CaTCHER software
number (0 to 9) that is to be loaded into the ECM:
Choose CaTCHER
Press a # key
Enter the single digit number (from 0 to 9) that corresponds with the software number to be
programmed into your ECM.
When you have entered the preferred CaTCHER software, Smarty asks if you want to adjust the speed
limiter of the truck. The speed limiter can be adjusted anywhere from 25 to 250 MPH in one MPH
Your tires might not be rated for increased speeds. Please check your tires rating!
1=Adj.Speed lim.
2=Program SW: 5
You can return back one step, in any moment with the ‘<’ key
If you do not want to adjust the speed limiter, to start the updating session, press ‘2’.
To adjust the speed limiter, press ‘1’, the following page will appear::
Speed lim:xxx
New lim:___
When you have choosen the speed limit, Smarty asks you to confirm the selection before he downloads
the new software into the ECM: (example software #9 has been entered):
Program SW: 9
Press ‘>’
Press the ‘<’ key to return back one step and enter a different software number.
Press the ‘>’ key to confirm your selection and to begin the updating session. You will see the
following screen: