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UMRR-0Axxxx Type31 Operational Description.docx Version 1
Page 13
of 19
August 22, 2013
Figure 7: CAN bit timing for UMRR sensor (eCAN module on DSP TMS320F28335)
Figure 8: CAN bit timing as defined by the CAN protocol
RS485 data interface
The RS485 interface from the UMRR sensor has a predefined speed of 230400 baud/s.
Typical other data rates are between 921.6kBit/s and 56.7kBit/s.
The RS485 message payload is identical to the CAN format. The data messages will be sent
in several packets of one byte.
Every cycle begins with a start sequence and ends with a calculated checksum and an end
sequence. The length of the data payload depends on the number of targets and tracked
Every cycle has one start sequence one end sequence and one checksum.