The Information contained in this document shall remain the sole exclusive property of s.m.s smart microwave sensors GmbH and shall not
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UMRR-0Axxxx Type31 Operational Description.docx Version 1
Page 5
of 19
August 22, 2013
General description
Sensor description
The main task of the UMRR is the detection of any reflectors in the field of view, to measure
the distance, the relative speed and the angle to the shortest reflector (and to other
reflectors), to detect motion and to track (filter) the results over time.
For this
general purpose measurement application
, range and relative radial speed and
the angle value of each reflector inside the antenna beam are measured and the results are
reported via the communication links cycle by cycle.
The UMRR sensor consists of two printed circuit boards: The DSP board and the RF
transceiver board.
The major component of the DSP board is the DSP TMS320F28335 which integrates flash
memory (for program code) and RAM. The DSP provides interfaces to external RAM,
EEPROM, CAN bus and RS485 (both for data communication). The DSP controls the RF
transceiver board via an SPI interface.
The RF transceiver board consists of transmit and receive antennae and the RF circuitry that
includes the radar MMIC SC3001.2. The radar MMIC generates the transmit signal and down
converts the receive signals into baseband. The analog baseband signals are then routed to
the DSP board and digitized by the DSP’s built-in ADC. The digital data are further processed
on the DSP.
The MMIC also features a PLL circuitry to calibrate and linearize the transmit frequency
ramps, a DAC for setting the VCO voltage (corresponding to the transmit frequency) and an
SPI interface for receiving the control signals from the DSP.
For the time of emission the device is one fixed point to point application.