1 Technical Specifications of the Titrator TitroLine® 5000
1.1 Summary
The TitroLine® 5000 is a potentiometric titrator and suitable for the following applications:
The possible range of titrations includes pH, and mV with a maximum of 5 memorisable methods.
The examples of possible use of the TitroLine
5000 include:
Acid and base determination in aqueous solutions such as p and m value, titration of strong and weak acids
and bases
Redox titrations such as iodometry, manganometry, chromatometry, and COD determinations
Other mV titrations, e.g. chloride
Titrations using ion-selective electrodes, e.g. coppe-ISE
Indices such as iodine and peroxide value.
These methods are mere examples; further applications can be found in food technology, environment, quality
control, and process monitoring.
In addition, the TitroLine® 5000 comes with the functionalities of the TITRONIC
300 piston burette:
Manual titrations with or without calculation of the result
Each method allows for the setting of a variety of dosing and filling rates.
Solutions to be used:
Virtually, any liquids and solutions with a viscosity of < = 10 mm² / s such as concentrated sulphuric acid may
be used. However, one has to avoid the use of chemicals that may attack glass, PTFE or FEP or that are
explosive, such as hydrofluoric acid, sodium azide or bromine! Suspensions containing high solids
percentages may clog or even damage the dosing system.
General provisions:
The safety guidelines that are applicable to the handling of chemicals have to be observed under all
circumstances. This applies in particular to inflammable and/or etching liquids.
We provide guarantee for the device described for two years from the date of purchase. This guarantee covers
manufacturing faults being discovered within the mentioned period of two years. Claim under guarantee covers
only the restoration of functionality, not any further claim for damages or financial loss. Improper handling/use
or illegitimate opening of the device results in loss of the guarantee rights. The guarantee does not cover wear
parts, as lobes, cylinders, valves and pipes including the thread connections and the titration tips. The breach
of glass parts is also excluded. To ascertain the guarantee liability, please return the instrument and proof of
purchase together with the date of purchase freight paid or prepaid.