SKS-Kinkel Elektronik GmbH
300113 TK Adapter V2
Support Hotline: +49 (0) 2661 98088-112
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Version No. 1.0
Document No. 97013700
46 Attendee 1
Only attendee 1 can be generated by phone, all other attendees need to be created on the program interface
on your personal computer.
possible entries for “n“ are „1“ for Call number 1 and „2“ for Call number 2
For every attendee at least one valid call number (Call number 1) needs to be set, additional
ly you can assign a second call number to each attendee (= Call number 2).
“y“ stands for the attendee’s call number
All call number can consist of up to 24 digits and can be chosen freely. Except for numbers,
spaces and the following special characters may be used: “#“ and “*“. To use an asterisk (*)
as part of the call number, it must be masked with a hash, i. e. entering “#*” will result in “*”.
If you want to assign two call number to attendee 1, e. g. „**1“ (= Call number 1) and „#+1“ (= Call number
2), you enter the following: *14011#*#*1* and after that *14012#+1*
Attendee 1 also needs a valid SKS BUS-address, lying between A1 and H24. Here usually the flat number
is encoded using a Capital letter and the floor number using a number between 1 and 24. The SKS BUS-ad
dress must be clearly assigned to one attendee only, i. e. each address can only be used once.
*1501wee* “w“ stands for the first part (the letter) of the SKS BUS address (A to H), here a number from
1 to 8 is entered, to encode the flat in the SKS BUS address. Here 1 equals A, 2 equals B, …
8 equals H.
“ee“ stands for the second part (two-digit number) of the SKS BUS address (01 to 24), here a
number between 01 (must have two digits) to 24 is entered, that encodes the floor number in
the SKS BUS address (s. also the table in chapter
If you want to set the SKS BUS address „C12“ for attendee 1, you enter the following: *1501312*.
After having created further attendees with your personal computer, they can be configured via DTMF.
Here the following functions are available for the attendees:
Call number 2 before number 1
(can be activated without programming mode)
Activated by entering
, deactivated by
(ii= two-digit number of the attendee, e. g. 02 for
attendee 2, 15 for attendee 15 etc., x = one-digit number not equal to 1)
If the attendee 4 should be called at number 2 before number 1, you enter *23041*, to deactivate the
function e. g. *23040*, *23042*, *23043*, … or *23049*.
No signalling of calls
(can be activated without programming mode)
Activated by entering
, deactivated by
(ii= two-digit number of the attendee, e. g. 02 for
attendee 2, 15 for attendee 15 etc., x = one-digit number not equal to 1)
If no call should be put through to the call number of attendee 7, you enter *20071*, to deactivate the
function e. g. *20070*, *20072*, *20073*, … or *20079*.
Call redirection active
(can be activated without programming mode)
Activated by entering
, deactivated by
(ii= two-digit number of the attendee, e.
g. 02 for attendee 2, 15 for attendee 15 etc., x = one-digit number not equal to 1)
Should the second call number of attendee 3 be dialled when the call to the first number is
not answered you enter *21031*, to deactivate the function e. g. 21030*, *21032*, *21033*,