BeatBuddy Manual
Added long name support (256 characters)
Added support for Midi Note as accent hits.
Added support for Humane Readable name (HRN) drumset in metadata
Fixed Outro called from external footswitch bug
Add support for Midi Note as accent hits.
Settings Menu Improvements
New Settings Menu Help System! Whenever you see the (?)
symbol next to a menu option, press the right arrow button to
highlight it and then press the Tap button to see an explanation
of that Setting option. No more looking through the manual to
understand what a setting does!
Change Font Size: No more squinting at small words! (Settings >
Font Size)
Automatic Large font size when entering Folder / Song selection
window with the footswitch
Hide Sobriety Feature option: For the parents who don’t want
to explain this little joke to their kids. (Settings > Sobriety > Hide
Sobriety Option)
Use the Footswitch as the Main Pedal:
Many of you would like to
have the BeatBuddy up at table top (or keyboard) height so you can
choose songs without bending down. You can now set one of the
footswitches to act like the Main Pedal! (Settings > Footswitch >
Function > Main pedal)
Please Note: If the footswitch detector detects a latching
footswitch, it disables the main pedal option since it cannot
work with a latching footswitch. A momentary footswitch is
required. All Singular Sound Footswitches manufactured after
May 2015 are momentary. To test your footswitch: Settings >
Footswitch > Footswitch detector
Double Tap Outro Disable:
Some Beat Buddies complained that they
are accidentally hitting the double tap outro during a performance.
You can now disable it. (Settings > Main Pedal > Outro). You can set
one of the footswitches as a single tap outro at Settings > Footswitch >
Function > Playing.