BeatBuddy Manual
MIDI and the BeatBuddy
Folder/Song Select
You can select a BeatBuddy folder and song with the MIDI Bank Select
(combination of CC:0 [MSB] and CC:32 [LSB] and Program Change (PC) messages.)
The folder is selected with the Bank Select Message (Bank MSB and LSB)
and the song is selected with the Program change.
Each of the 128 values of Bank MSB (Most Significant Bit) value can have
128 folders as selected by the value of Bank LSB (Least Significant Bit).
This gives a potential of 128 MSB x 128 LSB = 16,384 different folders with
128 songs each (selected by the Program Change [PC] command).
The order of the folders / songs are sorted by the BeatBuddy Manager.
The order of the folders / songs corresponds to the number used by the
MIDI me1.
This means that Program Change (PC) Message must have a value
of 0 to select the first song in the menu.
We know this is confusing -- but MIDI was designed by computer
nerds, not normal people like us, and computer nerds like to start
with 0 instead of 1.
Folder 1 - Song 1
Folder 1 -
Song 2
-Song 3
Folder 129 - Song 4
Bank MSB (CC:0)
Bank LSB (CC:32)
Program Change (PC)
Value 0
Value 0
Value 0
Value 1
Value 0
Value 0
Value 2
Value 1
Value 0
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Please note
that the BeatBuddy’s song does not change until the Program
Change message is received, i.e. bank messages alone are not enough to change a