Singer Furtura III series
Service tools
A reasonable requirement in a domestic sewing machine is that it should able to sew all types of fabrics
used in the home. The settings made when assembling and sewing-in the machines are those most suited to
give the best results in the majority of fabrics and fabric combinations. In doing so, consideration has been
given to the requirements of different markets. This does, however, mean that when sewing extreme fabrics,
better results may be obtained in certain cases by altering the settings. It must be pointed out that these
altered settings can cause poorer results on more normal fabrics. How the different standard ratings are
set can be seen from the description under each setting instruction. The following list of setting gauges and
service tools is intended as an instruction about the special service tools needed to servicing this machine.
1. On several different occasions the needle is used as a setting gauge.
The setting ratings are adapted to needle 90. Make sure to use an undamaged needle.
2. Screwdriver Philips 2PH
3. Screwdriver Philips 1PH
4.Gauge for the feed dog lift.
5. Gauge for the needle height - 28.50 mm
6. Distance gauge 0.05-1,00 mm
7. Wrench 7 mm
8. Allen Key (hex driver) : 2 mm
9. Allen Key (hex driver) : 2.5 mm
10 Allen Key (hex driver) : 1.5 mm