User Manual
EM303A General Purpose Inverter
8 Autotuning Motor Parameters
8.1 Autotuning Motor Parameters
Autotuning motor parameter is required when the inverter is in vector control mode.
However, if the inverter is not in vector control mode, autotuning is also suggested for
acquiring higher control precision at initial operation.
Generally, it is not easy for user to obtain the motor parameters that are needed for
calculation in vector control mode such as stator resistance R1, rotor resistance R2,
stator and rotor inductance L, stator and rotor leakage inductance Ls, idling excitation
current. EM303A provides autotuning function. After the function start-up, inverter
automatically tests the relevant parameters of connected motor and saves them to the
The T equivalent model of motor is as shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1 T Equivalent Model of 3-phase AC Induction Motor
R1, L1, R2, L2, Lm, and I0 in Figure 8-1 refers to stator resistance, stator inductance,
rotor resistance, rotor inductance, stator and rotor mutual inductance, and idling
excitation current respectively. Leakage inductance Ls=L-Lm.
Precautions Before Autotuning
Autotuning is a process of autotuning motor parameters. EM303A can autotune
motor parameters in 2 modes: stationary autotuning and rotational and
rotational autotuning.
Stationary autotuning is applied to the occasions when the motor cannot be
disconnected from the load, inverter can obtain motor parameters.
Rotational autotuning is applied to the occasions when the motor can be
disconnected from the load. Before autotuning, the motor should be
disconnected from the load. Never perform rotational autotuning for a motor
with load.