Simrad NX40/45 Installation and Operation Manual
Set Enable to
to show the VRM and EBL on the
radar window (or to hide them).
Select EBL reference if you want to change the EBL
bearing reference. There are two choices:
i °R shows the EBL bearing relative to your boat’s
ii °M/°T shows the EBL bearing relative to magnetic
North or true North.
Set center
to move the VRM and EBL center
away from your boat. Use the arrow keys to move the
center so that it is aligned over the first location.
to save the new center position, then press
and reselect the VRM/EBL.
Select Adjust to change the positions of the VRM and
the EBL so that you can align them with the second
location. Use:
left and right to decrease and increase the
radius of the VRM until it touches the second location
to measure the range.
up and down to move the EBL until it touches
the second location to measure the bearing.
The range and bearing of the target is shown at the
bottom of the screen.
If you want to hide (or change the settings for) the
range rings, North line, and/or heading line, press
MENU then select Radar.
To clear the VRM/EBL display, press ESC and repeat
steps 1 and 2. Then set Enable to .
If you want to find the range and bearing between two
other locations, repeat the sequence using the other
VRM/EBL. This is shown in a different pattern.
17-10 Changing the PPI position
You can move the PPI (Plan Position Indicator) center to
a different location if you are in Relative motion mode.
(If you are in True motion mode, the radar automatically
positions the PPI center.)
To change the PPI position:
From the radar window, press MENU then select
There are three choices:
i Center. The PPI center is in the center of the
radar window so that all other objects move relative
to your boat.