The Selcall Status is selected here and can be sent from this
Use the
keys to scroll through the Status List entries.
Pressing the OK key will send the displayed Status to the
Alternatively, if the Status Number is known, the Keypad can be used to enter the
number, which is sent (to the Current-Phonebook-Entry) when the OK key is pressed.
The F6 key (when configured for Reset, or any other key configured for Reset) will
backspace through the keypad-entered numbers or it will exit back to the Channel
Select Screen if no keypad entered numbers remain on screen.
The Back key returns you to the Menu Select Screen.
(i). When a Status is sent, it becomes the current Saved-Status-Value, and can be
used at a later time from other Menu Screens.
(ii). The Saved-Status-Value can also be set from the Channel or Phonebook Screens
by entering the number (from the Keypad) and pressing the * key. The value is saved
but not sent.
The screen allows the user to send a free-form text message to
another radio user in a similar manner to a mobile phone Short
Message Service (SMS).
After selecting the Send Message menu option with the OK key,
a flashing cursor will appear on the lower Left Hand Side (LHS) of
the screen.
Each keypad button is labelled with up to 4 text characters (e.g.
7 = PQRS). The text characters are entered by pressing the
keypad once for the first character, twice for the second, and
three times for the third, and so on.
After a short delay, the cursor will advance to the next character
To delete a character, move the cursor over the character, then press the F6 key
(when configured for Reset, or any other key configured for Reset).
Doc Number:
TNM-U-E-0089 ISSUE 2.2