Scan Preferences Screen
a second time to activate the Scan Preferences
Screen. A list of gauges available in the Scan Screen will appear, with
their settings for the Watch and Scan modes. Each gauge may be set
to Watch or Hide, and Scan or Skip. A gauge set to Hide will not ap-
pear in the Watch mode at all, while if it set to Watch it will be acces-
sible in the Watch mode by turning the knob. A gauge set to Scan will
appear periodically in the Scan mode. Typically most gauges should be
set to Watch, but only the most important should be set to Scan.
Turn the
to select a particular item - there are more than can
fit on the screen at one time. Press the
to change the values.
Automatic Sensor Detection
No engine supports all the gauge functions the VMS is capable
of displaying. The VMS is capable of querying the engine to determine
its capabilities, and it can automatically set the unsupported gauges to
“Hide”. To activate the sensor detector, let the VMS run for at least
ten seconds while this screen is activated, and press
. All features
supported by the engine should be set to Watch and Scan, while others
are set to Hide and Skip.
Daily Data
activates the Daily Data screen. This feature keeps
track of day to day travel indications automatically. It displays Distance
traveled, Average MPH, Hours driven, Gallons consumed, and MPG for
that particular day. After each day of traveling passes, it will automati-
cally log the data on the screen showing the info of the travel days.