Scanning Speed
This is the number of seconds that the Scan Screen will spend
on each gauge when in Scan Mode. A lower number will make it scan
This indicates the engine make and model. This must be set cor-
rectly to allow all features to function properly.
This setting allows you to select which type of transmission is
installed in your vehicle. Most coaches will have the WTEC, Starting in
1998, the WTEC Version 8 (WTEC v8) replaced the previous ver-
sions. Your VMS can display additional information (Gear Selected and
Gear Attained) if your coach has a WTEC v8 and you have the VMS
set to WTEC v8. New coaches will have J1939 Transmissions, set
the VMS accordingly.
This selection is required for the Maintenance Tracking screens.
If your chassis is not in the list, select “OTHER” to get a fairly repre-
sentative set of maintenance intervals.
Trip Units
This determines whether trip information is displayed in Metric or
Standard units.
Gauge 1,2,3,4
These determine the gauges shown on the
Screen with the
Scan Gauge.
Default Layout
This setting allows you to select which screen will be Displayed
when the VMS is first Powered On.
Auto Rear View
This selects the Video Input (Video 1, 2, 3, or 4) that expands
when the transmission in placed in reverse. You should select the
Video Input that your Backup Camera is connected to.
Default Video
This selects the Video Input (1,2,3,or 4) that is displayed on
Power Up of the VMS.
Video Scanning Speed
When multiple Video Inputs are selected, the display will alternate
between the various inputs. The value of this setting is in Seconds.
A value of ‘0’ will disable scanning.