ZigBee Communications Gateway
©2016 Silicon Labs
ZigBee Communications Gateway Web-Terminal
Figure 14: Web Terminal page
The Web Terminal is a simple web interface to communicate with the 1
ETRX3 ZigBee module on
the Gateway. User can issue AT-Commands
to the module in ZigBee input command box, click
and monitor the response in the ZigBee output window.
The Terminal status shows the current status of the web terminal and the Gateway time is also
displayed in the top right of the ZigBee output window,
Terminal Disabled Status:
If the Web Terminal option is disabled in the
Configurations page
Terminal status as shown above
will be displayed. No commands can be issued to the ZigBee module via Web Terminal if this status
is been displayed.
Terminal Enabled Status:
When the Web Terminal connects successfully to the ZigBee module above status will be displayed.
The Gateway time will also start updating once every second. Now, the user may enter an AT-
Command in ZigBee input box and click
issue the command
to the ZigBee module and
expect the response in approximately one sec.
Please refer AT-commands documentation at
Telegesis document centre
Note: Pressing Enter Key on Keyboard will NOT send the command but will refresh the page.
Terminal Status
ZigBee output
Gateway Time
ZigBee input