ZigBee Communications Gateway
©2016 Silicon Labs
ZigBee Communications Gateway
Upload Images
Select Upload Image Type:
Select the type of image to be uploaded to the Gateway. Currently Gateway supports three types of
a. Gateway Image
This is the gateway upgrade image which will replace the current Gateway firmware when
gateway is rebooted with Update Gateway flag enabled.
b. Bootloader Image
This is the recovery bootloader
upgrade image which will replace the current secondary
bootloader when gateway is rebooted with Update Bootloader flag is enabled.
c. Configuration Settings Image
All the configurations settings mentioned in
Configurations page
can be updated by this
image type. The settings will get applied after the gateway is rebooted. No flag is necessary
to be enabled for the configuration settings to be update.
Image Upload Process
which opens a dialogue box to navigate to the image, navigate to appropriate file
and click open.
Now click
a pop-up box will open to confirm correct file is uploaded. Click OK to
proceed. Gateway activity LED will be blinking while the file is being transferred. If the image is
uploaded and stored successfully in Gateway
FW image sent successfully
message is displayed
in a new tab in the browser.
Recovery bootloader mechanism is not implemented in the initial release but will be implemented in
subsequent release soon.