Silicon Imaging , Inc. 2004 Page 12 of 39 Company Confidential
Register String Commands
lc xxxxxx <cr>
Load Clock Register
See clock table)
xxxxxx = 6 hex values from table
114: Clock updated
ly rr xxx <cr>
Load Sensor Registers
Loads registers 00 to ff with 16bit
values, which are sent as 4 ascii
characters representing hex.
rr = register number 00~ff
xxx = x0000~xFFFF
104: Sensor updated
le x <cr>
Load EEPROM preset value
***overwrites factory values
x = 1
le1 = stores preset #1
106: Preset updated
ld x <cr>
Load Bootup Default
x = 0 or 1
ld1 = boots camera with preset #1
Load upper/user memory
7k-Bytes. Configured in 256
slots. Each slot has 16 memory
locations of14bits for
AA = slot (00 ~FF
YY = Memory (00-10)
XX = 14 bit value (00~ F
The first two bits (MSBs) of the first
byte and of every odd byte are not
lr xxxx
Read back user/upper memory
ln xxxx
Load new firmware
xxxx = password to enable
firmware upgrade (contact factory)
*** Note: All commands must terminate with a
(carriage return). Hex characters are lower case, no spaces.
Load Sensor Command Format
The following registers for SI-3300 control the sensor readout, timing and signal output levels. These are
programmed thorough ‘ly’ register commands. The register number is represented by 2 characters. All sensor
registers are 16 bits in length and are represented by 4 characters. The ASCII command format is:
ly rr xxxx <cr>
rr = register number xxxx = values 0000 to ffff
The ly stands for load sensor array and must be sent as lower case. The “rr” is the register to be changed. The
“xxxx”, “represents four HEX values that are to be loaded into each register. The sequence must end with a carriage
return <cr>.
The following is an example of a 10-character command string
l y 0 1 0 0 6 4 <cr>
This command will load the
register “01” with hex “0064”. The resulting value loaded into the
register is
” or
in decimal. The actual resulting width in the image is width-, which equals