Silicon Imaging , Inc. 2004 Page 11 of 39 Company Confidential
Serial Communication & Protocol
The SI-3300 is capable of mode programming through its serial interface. Commands are sent from the CameraLink
frame grabber to the camera. The commands are processed by the micro controller and communicated to various
devices in the camera including the sensor, digital clock synthesizer and the Flash memory inside the
microprocessor itself.
The communication uses an asynchronous serial format, similar to RS232, but is transferred to the camera using
LVDS as part of the CameraLink interface specification.
Asynchronous, ASCII
Data Bits:
8 + 2 Stop bits
No Parity
Serial LVDS (thru CameraLink)
The baud rate is set to 9600 and 8 data bits with no parity. This is the format set by the CameraLink standard.
However, faster rates can be set by the factory and coordination with the Frame Grabber supplier.
Serial Commands
There are two types of commands Single character and Register String (multiple characters followed by Carriage
Return). Once the camera receives the string ending with a <CR> it will respond. For each command, there is a
corresponding action and response from the camera.
Single Character commands
Camera status including firmware version, clock configuration word, sensor tag and
CPLD configuration codes.
Arm single frame capture. Trigger frame capture & readout if already armed.
Continuous Live Rolling Shutter Operation. Return tpo ERS after arming with an ‘f’
Enter Genlock Mode. Use “c” to return to continuous (supported by -H model)
Change to high-speed serial mode for operation at 57.6kbaud
*** Note:
All commands must terminate with a
(carriage return).
Register String commands
Each command may be entered through the Terminal communication mode from the frame grabber software. All
ASCII characters sent should be lower case and no spaces between characters. The string is terminated with a
carriage return <cr>. Hex numbers are sent as ASCII characters: 0Fh is sent as “0F” character. There are no spaces
between characters being sent in strings. These are multiple character string commands with a common format.