EtherHaul™ 8000 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Page 45
CINR that will notify the remote transmitter to increase its Tx power to maintain
CINR is above the threshold set.
Mode of operation: the local system compares the actual received RSSI to the ATPC
Target RSSI. If the difference in values is 2dB or higher (Delta=>2dB), a message to
remote transmitter will be sent, asking to change its Tx power.
The Tx power can be changed the system's configured Tx power down to the ATPC
Min Tx Power that was configured.
Configuration options:
Checkbox to enable the ATPC operation.
ATPC Target RSSI – allowed values -35 to -70 dBm (default -35 dBm).
ATPC Min Tx Power – allowed values -35 to 0 dBm (default -35 dBm).
Min CINR – allowed values -128 to 128 dB (default -128 dB).
Lowest Modulation – Lowest modulation profile. When modulation drops below
this threshold, radio link will be down. It is used to limit the minimal modulation
profile of the link. Default is BPSK 1 (lowest available).
Figure 4-4 Radio Page: Maintenance
This section allows configuring the following parameters:
RF Loopback – checkbox to enable the internal RF loopback, set the timeout for
clearing the loopback in seconds and select the modulation the ODU will be
tested at.
ATPC does not provide immunity from saturation. If running very short link, first
reduce Tx power so RSSI does not exceed -35dBm and then enable ATPC.