Open collector pulse output (displays 2 and 3)
Generally speaking, the passive open collector output must be connected via an approx.
10 kΩ pull
-up resistor.
Display 2
The output pulses can be picked up at terminals 4 and 5. Set the open collector at termi-
nal 5 to a resistance of approx. 10 kΩ for voltages of between 5 and max. 24
V. The cur-
rent carrying capacity of the output is max. 30 mA. If a voltage is applied to terminal 5
without resistance, the output stage of the electronics will be destroyed.
Display 3
The output pulses can be picked up at terminals 7 and 8. Set the open collector at termi-
nal 8 to a resistance of approx. 10 kΩ for voltages of betwee
n 5 and max. 24 V. The cur-
rent carrying capacity of the output is max. 30 mA. If a voltage is applied to terminal 8
without resistance, the output stage of the electronics will be destroyed.