Burst / record display:
The burst can be displayed as a table of values or a trend curve.
At this level, markers can be set (F1 and F2 function
keys) and all values falling between these 2 markers can
be displayed in graphical form.
To display all the values in memory, press the func-
tion key
The left
and right
navigation keys can be
pressed to move the cursor and read off the abscis-
sa and ordinate values.
At this level, the markers can be redefined in order to
zoom in between these two new points:
In the X field, enter a low value for the marker (X1),
press ENTER and then press the function key
In the X field, enter a high value for the marker (X2),
press ENTER and then press the function button
Burst / record save:
Stores the current burst.
Burst / record open:
Allows a burst to be selected for opening in order to
view the data.
At this level, a burst can be renamed or one or more
bursts can be deleted.