1300 777 137
MODEL: EA2204 PRODUCT CODE: 708149 04/2022
Playback Directly from the Micro SD Card
To playback directly from the micro SD card, first it must be removed from the Wildlife
Camera and then inserted into a card reader, PC or compatible reading device. The
micro SD card can also first be inserted into the micro SD card adaptor (supplied) prior to
inserting into a compatible device.
Follow the steps below to playback directly from the micro SD card.
NOTE: Depending on the device, you may need to use the micro SD card adaptor
1. Ensure that the Wildlife Camera is switched OFF.
2. Remove the micro SD card from the Wildlife Camera. To remove the micro SD
card, push the card gently (using a thumbnail or fingernail is most effective), and
it will pop out automatically. Carefully remove the micro SD card from the Wildlife
3. Insert the micro SD card into your PC, laptop or card reader.
4. Access the micro SD card and open the folder labelled DCIM. Within this folder there
will be a sub folder labelled 100TLCAM, open this folder to access the saved files.
5. Playback or view the files using you PC’s operating system as you would any still
image or video file.
6. You can also copy or move the still images and video files onto your PC drives.
7. Once you have finished viewing the files on your PC, close the folder first and then
follow the normal procedures for ejecting devices from PC’s safely.
8. Remove the micro SD card from your PC, laptop or card reader.
NOTE: Always ensure that you close all folders first and then follow the normal
procedures for safely ejecting software or devices from PC’s safely.
NOTE: Any changes made to the files on the micro SD card will be permanent.
NOTE: We recommend copying files immediately to another media device to
protect important files from damage or accidental deletion.
WARNING: Files deleted from the micro SD card cannot be recovered.