SigC667x / SigC641x User Guide, Rev B7
Signalogic 2012-2014
82 / 109
4.4 Texas Instruments Tools Installation
Note 1
This section covers installation of TI Linux command-line tools, which are required for
SigC667x systems. For SigC641x systems, TI Code Composer Studio installation is
required on a WinXP or Win7/8 system -- see the SigC5x / SigC6x Hardware Reference
Guide for more information.
Note 2
If during installation of TI files in “.bin” format you get what looks like an “immediate
abort”, i.e. the install doesn’t appear to do or print anything and bounces you back to the
command line, you may need to first run one or both of the following apps:
apt-get install ia32-libs (for example if you’re running Ubuntu 12.xx)
apt-get install libc6:i386 (for example if you’re running Ubuntu 14.xx)
This issue can arise since the TI installer doesn't appear to work for some 64-bit Linux
distributions, but it will work with correct 32-bit libs installed.
4.4.1 TI Code Generation Tools Download
The first step is to download TI Code Generation tools (commonly referred to as CG Tools). Go
to the following page:
Note that this page requires a log-in and you have to register with TI for an account (if you don’t
already have one). For more information, go to this TI page:
Notes about the above page:
If you click under “Free Compiler Downloads” (on link labeled “Here”), it will take you to
the CG Tools download page (first link above).
You do not need to have Code Composer Studio (CCS) installed.
After you are logged-in, you should see a CG Tools download page similar to Figure 4-33 below.