location, select the list record, display all the storage
capacity and used capacity in the screen, and has icon to
display capacity proportion in the left.
1 7 I n p u t M e t h o d
17.1 Input Method Keys
Select Keys:
1) Number 1-9: The corresponding pane displays nine
digital elements, and letter keys or stroke input.
2) Key 1: Input the punctuation in the letter (ABC, abc) input
3) Key 0: Press the space key, and input number 0 in the
digital input method.
4) Key *: Open the punctuation in all input methods.
5) Key #: Switch the input method.
17.2 Letters Input Method
The letters input method is based on the sequence of
continuously clicking the letter key and inputting letters on
the screen orderly. Clicking the key * can insert punctuation
marks, and the key zero can input the space. Then, ABC
means inputting all capital; abc means inputting all
If the number which on the required input letter is located in
the key, you will press the key several times. For example,
input ”k”, you will press the keys 5, continuously twice, the
screen shows ”k”.