book records. Long press “0” to
switch to “+PW”
“*” Key
When dialing, display “*”
Under the standby mode, long
press “*”Key and lock. Press left
key and “*” key to unlock.
Under the state of the input
method, display punctuation.
“#” Key
Under the state of the input
method, can switch to input mode.
When dialing, display “#”
Under the standby mode, long
press # to switch to meeting mode
In the calculator function, input the
decimal point “.”.
3 S t a r t U s i n g
3.1 Install Battery
- After the mobile phone is turned off, use a screwdriver to
unscrew the battery cover and then open the back cover.
- Aim the top of the battery (electrode) at the electrode in the
groove on the back of the phone, press the battery lightly
into the phone.
3.2 Charging
The mobile phone battery is a lithium ion battery, when
the battery power is low, the mobile phone will make a
reminder to you, then you need to charge the mobile phone
immediately, if the battery power exceeds the minimum, the