1 3 S e r v i c e s
13.1 STK
The realization of this function depends on the use of the
SIM card, the use of SIM card is different, the function is
not the same. Users in the use of the process, when finding
that the function of the STK can not be normal operation,
please contact the network operator. The company does not
assume any responsibility that the user can not use the
various functions because the company did not provide
related services.
13.2 Internet Service
A connection mode for surfing the internet that can
conveniently offer you to surf the internet and enjoy the
internet resources anywhere anytime when you go out. Let
you know the current information in time.Before you use the
function of internet explorer,you must first apply to your
network operator for the business of the support data
1 4 WL A N
Connect the available network,use the wireless network to
surf the internet.
1 5 O r g a n i z e r
The function of the menu mainly includes the common
software in the process of the office.
15.1 Calculator
Doing a simple conversion add, subtract, multiply and