whether to close the signature function.
Send settings:
Set the parameters of sending
MMS, including: the period of use, return of
sending, read of sending, priority, interval time
and time of sending.
Retrieval settings:
Set parameters of receiving
MMS, including: the main network immediate/
rejection/ delay setting, roaming network as with
main network / delay/ rejection, send reading
reports, allow sending reports.
Preferred storage:
Select priority storage
location of MMS, memory card or mobile phone.
Memory status:
Display used memory, storage
space, and usage rate.
6 C o n t a c t s
The contacts lets you store the common names and phone
numbers in the SIM card or the phone, when calling, you can
avoid the trouble of carrying the address book, or when
going out without pen and paper, you can record the desired
phone numbers.
The "1" or "2" logo on the right side of the contacts is on
behalf of the contacts stored in SIM card 1 or 2. The contacts
without logos are on behalf of the contacts stores in the
phone. Find a contact record using the first letter of name
phonetic or English. If you want to find the name of "Zhang
San", enter "Z", when the title bar below the screen shows
"Z", it will automatically retrieve to the name list of the