and then press the left key to resume recording. Press the
right key to stop recording sound, can be determined to save
this recording, and return to the list of recordings. Recorded
sound files are stored as .Amr format by default.
9.6 FM Radio
After entering the menu, the phone will display the
frequency of broadcast channel searched or defaulted. At
this time you can use the left / right arrow key to select the
interested channel for listening to the broadcast channel,
adjust the volume by pressing the key*/# or side key. When
listening to the radio. You also can press the down arrow key
to stop playing, press the right key to exit the radio.
1 0 S e t t i n g s
Settings mean some common functions in the phone.
10.1 Dual SIM switch
This function is used for setting select permissions of SIM
card 1 and SIM card 2.
10.2 Dual SIM settings
You can choose SIM card 1 or SIM card 2 or the two card
to open in mode settings.
Phone Settings
10.3.1 Time and Date
Set the time and date of the phone.
10.3.2 Schedule Power On/Off
It is used to set schedule power on/off of the phone. When
the system time reaches to the predetermine value, the phone
will open or close automatically.