Chapter 6
Interfacing to the Card
Sif142StartMeas ()
Starts the card measuring frequency and zeros the sensor thickness reading.
Sif142ZeroSensor (long SensorNum)
Sets a sensor (0 to 23) thickness reading to zero.
Sif142Zero2 (long OutputNum)
Sets a control output (0 to 13) thickness reading to zero by setting each assigned
sensor thickness to zero.
Sif142Material (long Sensor, double Density, double Zfact, double Tooling)
Sets up the material-specific parameters for each of the sensors.
A bit weighted value of which sensor(s) the parameter is for. For
example, to set the sensor two (of 0 to 23) place 100 in the lowest
three bits. Send 111 in the lowest three bits to set sensors 0, 1 and
Sets the density of the material. Valid values are from 0.4 to 99.99
Z-Factor of the material. This is a unitless number, and can be
found in material tables. Values are from 0.5 to 25.
Accounts for the difference in deposition rate at the sensor vs. the
substrate. Has a range from 0 to 9.99, representing 0 to 999%.
Sif142GetMaterial (double SensorParams (0 to 23, 0 to 2), double SystemParams
(0 to 4)
Read material parameters: density, zfactor, and tooling (0 to 23, 0 to 2) and system
parameters: max freq, min freq, init freq, period, norm/sim (0 to4)