Xceed ID XF1100 Installation Sheet Download Page 1


XceedID : Document No:  0093-01; Issue No. 1; 10/18/04 





XF1100, XF2100, XF2110    




  1 - Installation Sheet 

  1 - Reader 

  2 - Mounting Screws 


1 - Security Screw (2 w/XF2100 and XF2110)



1.  Remove unit from box. 


Notice the connector on the inside of the cover plastic and the base unit plastic. The 
connector will end up at the top side of the reader when mounted. (ILLUSTRATION)



Mounting the Reader: 

1.  Determine an appropriate mounting position on the door frame or wall, be sure to 

account for any applicable ADA height requirements. 

2.  Drill a minimum of two mounting holes a minimum of 3.2” apart on the mounting surface 

of the door frame or wall. Drill one 3/4” diameter cable hole for the pigtail wire 
connection. Wire the unit according to the color code chart below.  Screw base unit to 



Following cable connection (see the cable connection diagram below), re-install the 
plastic cover to the reader base. The base male connectors should align with the cover 
connector holes and the bottom slot should easily slide over and snap into place over 
the plastic dimple of the base.  After ensuring connection, install the security screw on 
the bottom of the reader.



Cable Connections: 

1.  XceedID readers are supplied with a 12 conductor cable pigtail. Connect this pigtail with 

the host/panel being careful to match the color of each wire with the chart shown below. 

Yellow =   Beeper 
Blue =  


Purple =   Open Collector/Card present  
Green =  

Data 0 

White =  

Data 1 

Orange =   Green LED 
Brown =  

Red LED 

Red =  

Power +DC (6-16 VDC) 

Black =  


Pink =  

RQE (Request to Exit input) 

Grey =  

DI (Door DI Input) 

Tan =  

Tamper Output 

Drain =  

Shield Ground  
