a. Make the stabilizer by edge gluing two 3/16"x4"x12" balsa sheets (Sig-Bond is recommended). When dry, block
sand the joint until it's smooth.
b. The stabilizer must be accurately cut to it's proper width of 11-1/4". Start by drawing a centerline and two edge lines,
each spaced 5-5/8" from the centerline. If you don't have an accurate 90 deg. square, you can use the plans as a
guide. Use a sharp knife to make the cuts on each edge.
Cut the elevator from the stabilizer using the elevator shape of your choice. Bevel
the leading edge of the elevator, sand the trailing edge round, and trim each tip
about 1/16" to clear the fins.
If you are building the Russian, the Angel, or the Patriot, you need to hand cut the
fins from the two sheets of 1/8"x4"x10" balsa. Edge glue the sheets, then cut the
fins out using the pattern of your choice. Add the 1/8" sq. spruce stiffeners, sand
the sides smooth, and round all the edges.
a. To make the two fins for the
Standard version, simply glue
together the die-cut 1/8" balsa fin
pieces together as shown on the
b. Add a piece of 1/8" sq. spruce to
the bottom of each fin to act as a
stiffener. When dry, sand the fins
smooth on each side and round
all of the edges.