a. Remove the wing and insert the two 3/16"dia.x1-1/2" wing dowels into F-2
from the aft side so that they extend in front of F-2 about 1/16". Slide the
wing into place to check that it seats properly on the fuselage. If not,
slowly enlarge the holes in the wing until it does seat properly. Again
remove the wing, leaving the dowels in place in F-2.
b. Apply several drops of Kwik-Set epoxy to the holes in the wing. Slide the
wing back into its proper position on the fuselage until the epoxy is dry. Be
careful not to glue the wing dowels to F-2. When dry, remove the wing and
fill any gaps around the dowels with another application glue.
a. Glue the two 1/4"x1/2"x1-1/2"
basswood wing hold-down
blocks into the notches in the
fuselage doublers.
b. Add the die-cut 1/8" balsa wing
block pads (WBP) to the top of
the basswood blocks.
c. Carefully sand the balsa wing
block pads to match the contour
of the wing saddle area.
a. Fit the wing in place on the fuselage and check its alignment one last time. When you are satisfied that it's aligned
correctly, tape or pin the wing so that it can't move.
b. Carefully mark the drill locations for the wing bolts using the plan as a guide. Drill through the wing and the wing
hold-down blocks at the same time with a 5/32"dia. drill bit. Keep the drill perpendicular to the top surface of the
wing so the heads of the nylon bolts will seat flush against the plywood plate.
a. Remove the wing and tap the
wing hold-down blocks with a 10-
32 tap. You can apply a few
drops of thin CA to the holes to
strengthen the threads.
b. Redrill the holes in the wing with
a 3/16" drill bit to pass the nylon
wing bolts.
Finishing The Fuselage
Now is a good time to prepare your fuel tank for installation. The 4oz slant tank
from Sullivan (not included) fits well and should sit as high in the fuselage as
possible. The fuel lines from this tank exit the fuselage at the joint between F-1
and the balsa top. You can prepare F-1 for the fuel lines by sanding or filing semi-
circles into the top edge. If you plan on using a different type of fuel tank, drill
holes in F-1 as necessary for the routing of the lines.
a. The 1/4"x3"x3" balsa fuselage top can be shaped at the aft end to match
the contour of the wing leading edge. Glue the fuselage top in place so
that the aft end fits snugly against the wing.
b. Trim and sand the fuselage top flush with the sides and F-1, then round off
the side corners with a sanding block.
c. Finish drilling the fuel line holes through the balsa.