Sawn Plywood
2 1/32"x1"x2" Birch 3-ply; P-9
Wing Bolt Plates
Laser-Cut Parts
1 1/4" 5-ply Birch Firewall
1 1/4" 5-ply Birch Landing Gear
1 1/16" 3-ply Birch P-6 Top
Cabane Mount Plate
1 1/16" 3-ply Birch P-7 Center
Cabane Mount Plate
1 1/8" 3-ply Birch P-8 Bottom
Cabane Mount Plate
1 1/8" 3-ply Birch DB Dihedral
1 1/8" 3-ply Birch TWB Top
Wing Brace
1 1/8" 3-ply Birch F-3B
2 1/8" 3-ply Birch P-5 Wheel Pant
2 1/8" 3-ply Birch P-3 I-Strut
Bottom Mount
2 1/8" 3-ply Birch P-2 I-Strut
Top Mount
2 1/8" 3-ply Birch P-1 Top Wing
Mount Plate
2 1/8" Lite-Ply Fuselage Sides
4 1/8" Lite-Ply Wingtip Supports
1 1/8" Lite-Ply FTF Fuselage
Top Front
1 1/8" Lite-Ply FBF Fuselage Bottom
1 1/8" Lite-Ply FBR Fuselage
Bottom Rear
1 1/8" Lite-Ply TWM Tailwheel
1 1/8" Lite-Ply Tank Floor
4 1/8" Lite-Ply Wingtips
4 1/8" Lite-Ply P-4 Cabane Mount
2 1/8" Lite-Ply Fuselage Doublers
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-5B Pushrod
1 1/8" Lite-Ply Stab Mount
2 1/8" Lite-Ply I-Struts
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-3
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-5
1 1/8" Lite-Ply Dihedral Gauge
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-6
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-7
1 1/8" Lite-Ply F-8
1 1/4" Balsa S-1
1 1/4" Balsa S-2
2 1/4" Balsa S-3
1 1/4" Balsa F-1
1 1/4" Balsa F-2
1 1/4" Balsa F-3
8 1/4" Balsa WTB Wingtip Blocks
2 1/2x5/8x1-1/8" Maple; B-1 Top
Wing Mount Blocks
2 1/2"x3/4"x1-5/8" Basswood; B-2
Bottom Wing Mount Blocks
4 3/8"x1-1/4"x3/4" Basswood;
B-3 Cabane Mount Blocks
1 3/8"x3/8"x12" Basswood; Servo
2 1/4" Dia.x1-1/2" Wing Dowels
Wire Parts
6 2-56x10" Threaded Rods; Elev,
Rud, Ail Pushrods
2 4-40x8" Threaded Rods; Aileron
Interplane Pushrods
1 1/16" Dia. Tailwheel Wire,
1 1/8" Dia. Elevator Joiner Wire, bent
2 4-40 Aileron Torque Rods, bent
1 left & 1 right
4 #2x3/4" Sheet Metal Screws;
Elev, Rud Horns
8 #2x1/2" Sheet Metal Screws;
Aileron Horns
2 #4x1/2" Sheet Metal
Screws; Tailwheel Bracket
4 4-40x3/4" Pan Head Bolts; Cabane
Strut Mounts
4 4-40x3/8" Mounting Bolts:
Wheel Pants
3 6-32x1/2" Mounting Bolts;
Landing Gear
4 6-32x1" Mounting Bolts;
Motor Mounts
2 8-32x1-1/2" Mounting Bolts; Axles
6 8-32 Hex Nuts; Axles
2 4-40 Hex Nuts; Aileron
Interplane Pushrods
14 4-40 Blind Nuts; Cabane
Struts, I-Struts, Wheel Pants
7 6-32 Blind Nuts; Motor Mounts,
Landing Gear
2 8-32 Blind Nuts; Top Wing
10 #4 Flat Metal Washers; Cabane
Struts, I-Struts
2 #8 Flat Metal Washers;
wheel spacers
2 #2 Flat Metal Washers; Tailwheel
4 Nylon Interconnect Horns For
1 Medium Nylon Control Horn
(RIGHT); Rudder
1 Medium Nylon Control Horn
(LEFT); Elevator
2 8-32x1" Nylon Bolts; Top Wing
2 1/4-20x1" Nylon Bolts; Bottom
6 4-40x3/8" Socket-Head Bolts; I-
Strut Mount
2 4-40 Nylon Aileron
1 Nylon Tailwheel Bracket
4 2-56 Nylon R/C Links; Control
End of Rud, Elev, Ail Pushrods
5 2-56 Solder Links; Servo End of
Rud, Elev, Throt, Ail Pushrods
2 4-40 Solder Links; Ail
Interplane Pushrods
2 4-40 Metal R/C Links; Ail Interplane
2 Glass-Filled Motor Mounts
Plastic Parts
1 .070 ABS Molded Headrest
1 Set .070 ABS Molded Wheelpants
1 .090 Tempered Aluminum Main
Gear, formed
2 .060 Un-Tempered Aluminum
Cabane Struts, formed
1 .030 3-1/2"x8" Clear Plastic
Sheet; Windshield
2 .200 O.D.x36" Nylon Inner Pushrod
Tubing; Elev, Rud
2 .270 O.D.x36" Nylon Outer
Pushrod Tubing; Elev, Rud
1 .130 O.D.x18" Nylon Inner
Tubing; Throttle Pushrod
1 1/16" Dia.x18" Steel Cable;
Throttle Pushrod
1 3-piece Pushrod Connector
Assembly; Carb End of Throttle
1 1"x24" Fiberglass Tape; Bottom
Wing Center Joint
1 2"x6" Fiberglass Tape; Cabane
27 Easy Hinges
1 Full-Size Plan Plate #1
1 Full-Size Plan Plate #2
1 Photo-Illustrated Instruction
1 7-3/4"x10" Decal Sheet
1 7-1/2"x27" Decal Sheet
Wood Parts Identification
Wood parts such as standard stick and sheet stock, leading edges, trailing edges, ailerons, elevator, etc., are all easily
identifiable by comparing their shape and dimensions to the plans and the "HOG-BIPE COMPLETE PARTS LIST"; therefore we
did not feel that there was any need to label these parts. On the other hand, proper identification of the different wing ribs, wing
sheeting, fuselage formers, etc., can be confusing because some of them are very similar looking, but in fact they are quite
different. Wherever possible, we have labeled (printed) these parts.