24 a. Using pieces of 1/16"x1/4" balsa strip, cut and glue capstrips on the bottom of the wing as indicated on the plans. Note that
the capstrip at the I-strut mount (P-2) is cut from 1/16"x1/2" balsa strip. Notch one end of the capstrip to fit around P-2 and
glue in place. When dry, remove the building board.
Using 1/16"x2"x36" balsa sheets, sheet the top and bottom of the center section as shown on the plans.
When the sheeting glue has cured drill two 3/16" holes in the center section by drilling from the bottom up through the
mounting plates (P-1). Enlarge both holes in the balsa sheeting only to 7/16", keeping the holes centered on the holes in the
mounting plate. The easiest way to do this is to use a 7/16" diameter piece of sharpened brass tubing.
Using a long flat sanding block sand the trailing edge sheeting flush with the trailing edge of the ribs.
Glue and pin or tape the 1/4"x3/4"x48" balsa stick to the trailing edge of the ribs.
When the glue has cured carve and sand the trailing edge to shape. Match the taper of the trailing edge stick to the shape
of the ribs and maintain a sharp corner at the trailing edge.
Sand the sticks and sheeting at each end flush with the end rib and perpendicular to the spar.
Find the four lite-ply wingtips and the four lite-ply wingtip supports. Asssemble a wingtip support to each of the wingtips and
glue in place. When dry sand wingtip support flush with the wingtip on both sides. Set two of the assemblies aside for later
Center one of the wingtips assemblies
on an end rib. Make sure the leading
edge of the wingtip matches the leading
edge of the wing and is centered on the
leading edge. Tack glue in place. Center
the trailing edge of the wingtip on the
trailing edge of the wing and tack glue.
Using a triangle as a guide finish gluing
thewingtip to the tip rib.
Glue a wing tip rib (WTR)on the top and bottom of the wingtip, spacing the rib so that the 1/16" sheet applied in the next
step will be flush with the leading edge sheet of the wing.