d. Cut four pieces of 1/16"x4" balsa sheet to fit on the top and bottom of the wingtip. Shape the wingtip sheet so that it fits
neatly to the leading edge sheet when the wingtip sheet is wrapped around the wingtip. Glue the top and bottom wingtip
sheet in place. Sand the balsa sheeting flush with the plywood wingtip.
Find four of the wingtip blocks (WTB), glue two of them in place at the trailing edge of the wingtip.
Repeat steps 26b. through 26e. for the other wingtip.
From the 1/2"x1-1/2" balsa trailing edge stock cut a length to match the piece shown at the center of the trailing edge of the
top wing. Cut and sand the radius using the pattern on the plan. Draw a center line on the trailing edge piece and the wing.
Match the two center lines and glue the center trailing edge piece to the wing.
Cut two ailerons to length from the
1/2"x1-1/2" aileron stock. Temporarily
tape the ailerons to the wing, carve and
sand the ailerons to match the wingtips.
Using a short sanding block fair all of the
lines of the wingtip into the wing. Round
off all of the corners to a pleasing shape.
Fill in any dings, dents or gaps with glue and/or filler. With a long sanding block sand the entire wing to remove any bumps
and sharp edges. Try to achieve a smooth even surface all over the wing.
NOTE: The bottom wing is built in two pieces. It is easier to build one bottom panel at a time - it’s much easier to set the center rib
angle with nothing in the way. Be sure your building board is flat. CROOKED WINGS NEVER FLY RIGHT.
CAUTION: There are a lot of pieces to be glued before the wing is removed from the building board, so place the pins carefully.
After all the pieces are glued in place you must be able to get at the pins to remove them.
Pin the right bottom wing plan section to the building board and cover with waxed paper.
Pin down a 1/4"x1/2"x24" balsa stick for the bottom spar. Any extra length should extend beyond the tip rib.
Pin and glue in place all the W-2 balsa
ribs on the plan. Use a triangle or a
square block as a guide to keep the ribs
square and vertical. Use the I-strut
bottom mount (P-3) as a spacer guide
when gluing in the ribs on either side of
P-3. Do not glue in P-3 at this time.
Make sure the jigging tab on each rib is
down against the building board.